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Jade Pictures

Objects such as a Jade Buddha & Jewelry carry a mystic aura and are very decorative elements on the body in a home, temple or other places. Most used are jade jewelry and a Jade Buddha  everyday household items as they were used in Old China, in Burma or Myanmar, by the Olmecs and other are not visible anymore. Jade items get quickly very expensive according to the size, artwork, texture, color and translucency of the mineral. Most expensive items are of "imperial jade" which is a saturated green with a smooth and flawless texture. Jadeite  jewelry items >  fetch the highest prices and this shop in Singapore is at the high end of the list. On the other hand, they have good quality pieces. It looks like their products are made from exquisite jade stones.    Bogyoke Jade Market > in Yangon Myanmar (Burma) is one of the premier trading place for jadeite worldwide. Here mostly finished...

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